✨Combatting Shiny Object Syndrome, Sales is a skill for everyday life & top 5 takeaways from episodes161-170
Below are the top 5 takeaways from a stretch of 10 episodes of the With Joe Wehbe Podcast, 161-170.
1/ Why does ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’ seduce us, and how do we combat it?
In episode #161, we explanation ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’, and discuss its antidote. Hint: start with the accepting the present, and also the ‘I only do what only I can do rule’ — otherwise the spread of your options will always be overwhelming. .
2/ Sales is a skill for everyday life
We interact with people everyday, and constantly try to communicate value propositions to them. Sales is a vital skill for everyday life. Few people train this skill. The no. 1 question to ask,
Am I genuinely trying to help people solve their problem? —Episode #166.
3/ Following the point from Episode #166 made above
Look at their story. Ask, ‘how can I help them write their story?’ and not ‘how can I make them a character in mine?’
4/ In the context of being most helpful to others.
‘Our default is to respond to other people according to our world view, not theirs’ — Episode #167.
5/ What overnight disruption of existing industries will really look like
Opportunities will not evaporate, they’ll migrate. The challenge is still qualifying yourself for new pockets within your industry/interest areas.
Example — Lawyers won’t disappear in a puff of smoke, but new legal work will emerge in relation to new trends like cryptocurrency, gig economy expansion and Web 3.
Did you have any other takeaways? Let me know what you think by commenting below.
🎙 Recent Episodes
Below I’ve linked to Youtube episodes (please enjoy the creative thumbnails by the way 😉) .
You can also go to your preferred podcast player here like Spotify, Apple Podcasts or anywhere else.
#161: You Are Not Your Achievements & Shiny Object Syndrome (9 min 33 sec)
#162: Don’t Let Others Set Your Ceiling (7 min 51 sec)
#163: BONUS — Overcoming ‘The Myth Of Failure’ (8 min 2 sec)
#164: How Do You Convince Someone To Take A Better Path? (4 min 17 sec)
#165: How Do You Change Someone's Worldview? (6 min 5 sec)
#166: Sales And Marketing Are Skills For Everyday Life — How To Use Them To Help People In Any Situation (9 min 33 sec)
#167: Moving Someone In A Direction Without 'Giving Them Advice' (9 min 20 sec)
#168: Education Caters Least For The Areas We Need Most – Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Creativity (8 min 59 sec)
#169: When Is Education A Backwards Step? (8 min 2 sec)
#170: BONUS Preparing For The Exponential Career & The Brains Trust (6 min 53 sec)
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