The One Who Is Most Interested Is The One Who Wins
Has the internet changed the way a whole generation looks at education? Da Vinci, storytelling, and much more.
Welcome to another week of the Doorman!
What I’ve Been Thinking About…
The difference between marketing problems and storytelling problems.
Curiosity, curiosity, curiosity… hot off the heels of reading Leonardo Da Vinci by Walter Isaacson. The most universal genius of all time was not formally educated, but he was also the most curious person of all time. He once wrote “study the tongue of the woodpecker” in his notebook.
Curiosity takes you into a rabbit hole. In the rabbit hole, you see all things are connected, then you learn a whole lot about a whole lot. How’s that for an education model? Are we doing that?
The evolution changed the way my generation will look at education and themselves, and trigger a new generation of Da Vinci’s. I was born in 1994, and began school in 2000, meaning I’ve grown up only in an internet world.
As such, my generation will not view qualifications as an insurance policy in the job market, most older generations do because of the time they grew up in.
How can we create sustainable, part-time income for young people where they can still learn a lot?
You shouldn’t need to get motivated. Water flows downstream—if you can’t get motivated, you might not be the problem. What you’re doing might not be the problem (again, look at Da Vinci).
The one who is most interested is the one who wins—why you should hire curious people over smart people, and why you should fall deeper into your interests.
The most interested person of all time—this is a short write up… who do you think it is?
Reading Recommendations
Make your idea matter by Bernadette Jiwa — who is a bit of a ‘female Seth Godin’.
Fantastic for anyone who wants to share an idea.
It’s short (128 pages), with each page a snippet.
Great for people with a business who want to understand the fundamentals of how to share their story… but I’d challenge you to read it anyway, because all we do all day is share and market ideas to one another.
Your ideas invariably matter because you are a human being capable of thought.
Templates & Resources
I want to offer something in this space soon. I’m conscious that I haven’t delivered on this front so far.
Reflection Question For The Week
What is something I do that does not require me to motivate myself? Where energy comes effortlessly? Why is that so?