How I spot young talent.
Featuring a question of the week, 32 reasons you are missing out by not having a podcast,
Question of the Week:
Courtesy of Tim Ferriss, master question-asker.
Whatever you’re doing right now… what does success look like in three years time? Be as specific as possible.
Open these Doors
I was trying to explain to two gentlemen the advantages of starting their own podcast this week. It prompted a moment of inspiration — here’s a long-form post on 32 reasons why you can’t afford not to start a podcast. My favorite reasons were #5, #8, #13 and #12 in particular.
Also this week… who is the smartest person in the Room?
Relevant to the next book 📚
How I spot young talent is based on patterns I’ve noticed in myself and other young people. Because we have platforms that make it easier to create content, build things and share early ideas, there are now visible signs when someone is taking an early step towards greatness. It’s incredible to note how many high potential young people start off by making a Business/themed Instagram page, Youtube videos, a blog or podcast. The projects themselves might not be world-beaters in their current form, but the creator is getting comfortable expressing themselves before they fine something higher leverage to work on. To me, identifying these people is like finding an under-valued stock.
Weekly info nights for the beta of the Intentional Gap Year — aimed at young people in the Sydney/NSW region, especially high school leavers, this is a 8-Week beta program most suited for young and recent high school graduates. They’ll explore options, participate in entrepreneurial challenges, work experience challenges, virtual internships, outdoor adventures, experiences, a launch party and formal night… all alongside other young people, being able to ‘build-their-own-adventure’. Why not check it out? It’s free to attend the Tuesday, 7pm Sydney-time information nights.
Re-launch of With Joe Wehbe podcast, with episodes resuming from November 4th. The trailer is live, including a highlights from Season 1 episode!
⚒Incredible Tools
I found out about descript this week — this looks amazing for video editors, Youtubers, content creators, podcasters and anyone who wants to be able to edit video and audio simply by editing a transcribed document. Video below:
This week I’m grateful for
A 27-year-old recent teaching graduate from Melbourne, who sent Byron Dempsey a video showing appreciation for his work with Driven Young and the Intentional Gap Year Program, which he’d love to volunteer for. In the 7 minute, 30 second video this young man made for Byron, he talks about getting a full time job offer for teaching, but turning it down due to a deep, lingering gut feeling that he shouldn’t take it.
A very wonderful young lady called Lily, who reached out to me on Instagram. She’s dived into my blog and podcast and is doing the beta of the Intentional Gap Year this December-February.
The chance to help a wonderful man by the name of Paul Rowse share his message about Laughter. In doing so though, I feel I will be given the greater privilege of helping him share his story about finding beauty in everything.
🔊Answering the question myself…
Whatever you’re doing right now… what does success look like in three years time? Be as specific as possible.
Sustainable income (Minimum Viable Lifestyle), and I expect, to dedicate my time to advising and supporting other builders and creators rather than putting manual effort into creating things myself. ‘Hands off the tools’ as they say. The exception would be writing, and the spoken content of my podcast.
I’d want to have a crop of young visionaries in our ecosystem, be able to open the Doors they need opened, and remain grateful for everything I have.
What’s your answer?
My deepest apologies that I've kept descript a secret from you for over 1 year. I hope we can still be friends.
32 is one of my favorite numbers, and I'm not just saying that :)
Thank you for the mentions in the blog post!